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Why is my acne treatment not working? Preserving the skin's Biome

As we age, geographically relocate or become part of high density living arrangements, it can result in a shift in the skin biome causing microbial imbalance and significant reductions in certain microbial populations that maintain skin health. Evidence suggest that some strains of skin microbes that are blamed for Acne such as C. acnes or P. acnes, actually significantly contribute to the overall health and pH balance of the skin and skin microbiome by conditioning the skin and exhibiting both antioxidant and targeted antimicrobial properties. Certain subspecies or strains of C. acnes is protective and important to the overall health and beauty of the skin and other strains that are associated with significant infection and inflammation that cause severe damage. While proper skincare is essential to maintaining healthy skin, the antibiotics, preservatives, bleaches, drying agents and other ingredients found in most over-the-counter, subscription and prescription acne products can disrupt the natural flora of the skin and can lead to possible chronic inflammatory issues. Current evidence is emerging that suggests that the whole biome (including skin and microflora) should be considered when planning acne treatment. Dr Edwin Ishoo at Boston Acne Specialists designed specific and tailored hands-on, non-pharmaceutical treatments using advanced technology and techniques to clear cystic acne without dependence on antibiotics or other dangerous medications or topical products to achieve a self-regulating and sustainable, clear and healthy skin which aim to preserve protective skin microbiome and its antioxidant and targeted anti-aging properties. Contact Boston Acne Specialists today to schedule an appointment and begin your journey back to clear and healthy skin. WWW.BostonAcneSpecialists, 888-380-3222


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